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Social Justice

"Bring the whole human family together … for we know that things can change."

(Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ 13)


The Justice Office aims to enable information, education and action for justice to be more visible and accessible to the Sandhurst community in line with the statement that “Action for justice and participation in the transformation of the world is a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel” (Rome Synod of Bishops 1971).

We do this by providing

  • leadership,
  • education and formation, 
  • access to information and resources,
  • supportive networking opportunities 

 in the area of social justice and Catholic Social Teaching for the Sandhurst community.

The Justice Office works with, and for, official Church agencies, including Caritas Australia, Catholic Earthcare, the Australian Catholic Bishops Office for Social Justice, the Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office and Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, in the areas of education, social action, advocacy and fundraising. It collaborates with other agencies including St Vincent de Paul and Catholic Care when this is beneficial.

In parishes, we work with and through the network of Parish Justice Reprasentatives.  We encourage every parish to appoint a Social Justice Parish Representative(s)

In schools, we work with and through the RE Leaders network and Catholic Education Sandhurst SJ Reference Group.

Sandhurst Diocesan Social Justice Committee is comprised of Parish Reps from each of the three deaneries.

 News and Events can be found by clicking on the Sandhurst Caritas/Justice Facebook page link on the right or by visiting www.facebook.com/CaritasJusticeSandhurst

Eighty senior secondary students and teachers from twelve Catholic High schools attended the annual Sandhurst ‘Justice Matters Camp’ in Beechworth from 8-10 May.
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Every year since the 1940s the Office for Social Justice, an agency of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, has published a Social Justice Statement in…
The Diocese of Sandhurst is a great supporter of Caritas' Project Compassion. Flipping pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to spread the word about Project Compassion has…
The annual Justice Matters Camp for Sandhurst secondary students was held in Beechworth earlier this month. The camp aims to inspire students to become agents…
Wednesday, 01 December 2021 13:52

Bishops endorse Uluru Statement from the Heart

Australia’s Catholic bishops, on the recommendation of their key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisers, have endorsed the Uluru Statement from the Heart.