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Laudato Si' Action

Every week the Diocese will be sending out Bulletin Notices to parishes with Green Tips, Prayers, Quotes and other helpful resources.

We'll also keep them on this page. So, stay tuned:

" …we have to realise that a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”

Pope Francis, (Laudato Si' 49)

Laudato Si
': On Care for Our Common Home

In May 2015  Pope Francis published his second encyclical, “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home.”  It discusses, amomngst other things, integral ecology, climate change and pollution, global inequality, the decline in the quality of human life and breakdown of society.  

Laudato Si’ is a ll for action to address the human roots of the environmental challenges we face derstanding that it is the world’s most vulnerable and poor who are always most impacted by environmental disaster.  


Laduato Si' Action Platform (LSAP)

In 2020 the Vatican's Dicastery for Integral Human Development launched the Laudato Si' Action Platform (LSAP), an online platform which provides a framework for Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools and entities to work towards the Seven Laudato Si' goals over seven years.  When the enrolment phase of the LSAP was launched in Novmeber 2021, dioceses across the world enroled responding to Pope Francis' call to commt to achieving total sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology. Bishop Shane has enrolled the Diocese of Sandhurst with the Laduato Si' Action Platform

Caritas Catholic Earthcare 

As a means for the Diocese of Sandhurst to reach the Laduato Si goals in the Australian context, Bishop Shane is calling for all Parishes and Schools to enrol with Caritas Catholic Earthcare as Catholic Earthcare Parishes and Catholic Earthcare Schools. The Chancery, itself, is enrolled as a Catholic Earthcare organisation and completed the audit phase of the process in 2022.

On 23 May 2022 on the banks of Broken Creek in Nathalia, Bishop Shane Mackinlay comissioned representatives from Sandhurst parishes and schools who had formalised their commitment to…
An accessible way to undestand what Pope Francis is trying to achieve and the Laudato Si' Movement, is to watch this film.  It is freely…
Wednesday, 01 December 2021 12:32

Bishop commits to Laudato Si’ Action

In December 2021, Bishop Shane committed the Diocese to the international ‘Laudato Si’ Action Platform’.  This followed the commitment of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference…